Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Forensic Science Project Part III: Hand Wrting Analysis

History of Handwriting Analysis

  • Aristotle
    Alfred Binet
    Everyone has a unique way of writing. Forensic scientist students need to know that the history behind handwriting analysis so they can easily enhance their understanding of handwriting characteristics. Handwriting is a boring and precise process that relies on knowledge of the way people form letters. Therefore, there are some important people who studied the difference between handwriting. Here below is a brief history of people who studied handwriting analysis. A Greek philosopher Aristotle, nearly over 2,000 years ago, discovered a correlation with the Chinese that they were a connection between someone’s character and their writing techniques. An unknown Italian professor of philosophy created a book in 1622 that gave a description about the analysis of character when he was studying handwriting. Abbe Michon was a principal of a school in Paris. He created a book on the subject of graphology. Graphology is the study of written and printed symbols that to tell a person’s character. Dr. Ludwig Klages, a graphologist, applied the gestalt theory to get a better understanding of the theories about rhythm and form level. The gestalt theory means how people organize visuals and unify visuals to understand an important principle. For example I have a birds head and it is compared a sun together the visuals unify a mean a important principle. Dr .Ludwig Klages applied this theory to advance his theories in rhythm and “form level”. Handwriting can correlate between someone’s personalities.  Pierre Janet, a French psychologist, referred handwriting to the “science of the future”. Pierre Janet also made a film record about a writer’s sensibilities. He also described handwriting as an act which leaves a printout.  Alfred Binet was a psychologist who created I.Q testing for intelligence and observed that handwriting can tell character traits.I did not know there were abundant of people who have studied handwriting analysis. I always thought that handwriting was not a big deal. After all we use handwriting pretty much every single minute of the day. It was not until now I realized handwriting add unique characteristics and can tell you about that person’s personality. That is amazing to see. Sometimes I do wonder what my personality is that is connected to my handwriting. My handwriting is very neat but is a mixture of cursive and print letters. I guess personality is very different than a lot of peoples.  
"A Brief History and Background of Handwriting Analysis or Graphology." Handwriting Analysis. Learn to Analyze Handwriting at Graphic Insight. Web. 03 Dec 2011.  <>.
This website gets the credibility of all the research containing the history of handwriting analysis. 
Citations for pictures
"Aristotle." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 03 Dec. 2011. <>.
This website gets the credibility for the visual image of Aristotle.

"Facts About Feeling Hog-tied If You Just THINK You Have a High or Low IQ." Share Knowledge & Earn Passive Income | Factoidz. Web. 03 Dec. 2011. <>.
This website gets the credibility for the visual image of Alfred Binet.


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